The Green Room

7 Quick Takes (6)


My dad is getting a hearing aid - and is thrilled. What?!

My mom has been pestering him for years to get one, but he always dismissed the idea. He pointed out that being a farmer is what caused this, between the squeals of the pigs and the roars of the machinery. My mom didn't care what caused it - she just wanted him to hear better. Finally, he gave in and said when he turned 50 he would go in for a check-up. The big birthday came and went, but no visit to the audiologist. His new postponement plan was that he'd do it once they got out of the hog business. We just shook our heads and wondered what his next excuse after that would be.

But this year they actually are winding down with the livestock, and so my dad finally agreed to go to the doctor and look into it! He made my mom go with him, "so that she could hear the audiologist say there was actually nothing wrong with his hearing." Turns out, his last visit there was in 1993. Yes, this has been an issue for more than 16 years.

So now my dad is getting a hearing aid, and for some reason is suddenly very excited about it! I think because it's a gadget. (The fact that their insurance is actually great for covering it helps, too.) He spent a ton of time researching the different types, and then made sure to call me just to inform me of the make and model so I could look it up as well. Which I dutifully did. This will definitely be their most exciting purchase of the year!


Also, my dad finally cashed in on his Father's Day gift - a ride in a 2 seater Cessna! Personally I think that's the best gift I've ever gotten him. He had a fantastic time, thanks especially to a great pilot. (Note: he kept calling the pilot "the boy" - but it turns out the guy was in his early 30s. I think my dad is getting old!) He got to go all over the area and took tons of pictures of all the different farm property. Supposedly the pictures are great - I can't wait for them to figure out how to share them with me online!

(Another note: they have to re-figure it out every time. Even though I've helped them and they took notes. Anyone have a super-easy suggestion on how to share photos via the internet? My grandma could also use some help, although I think she's got it down pat now.)


Apparently heroic virtue + 2 miracles = 1 saint. Thanks to Sister Mary Martha for explaining so succinctly the process of canonization!


Even ABD grad students have to go back to school. Next week I'm heading to Houston to meet up with my committee members. Hopefully they will be impressed with the progress I've made, think I'm on the exact right track, and not have any suggestions that involve tons of additional work!


Ten Episopal nuns are joining the Catholic Church. After seven years of prayer, they realized that the best way they could "witness for orthodoxy" and promote unity was to join the one Church established by Christ. Wow.


I'm embarrassed to admit that I don't know the names of all 12 disciples. But earlier this week this article introduced a cute and easy way to remember them! And now I have them down pat! The word BAPTISM is used as a handy mnemonic device:

  • B - Bartholomew
  • A - Andrew
  • P - Peter, Philip
  • T - Thomas, Thaddeus
  • I (~J) - James, James, John (and Judas)
  • S - Simon
  • M - Matthew (and later Matthias)
How cool is that?


I have been debating lately which of the following is the most responsible for where our society is today: individualism, secularism, or moral relativism? I think they're all interconnected. And I think I don't know enough about them to say for sure, and I'm lamenting the fact that I have never taken a philosophy class. What do you think?

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