The Green Room


I had a cute QuickTakes post planned for today, but it just hasn't happened so far! I've been quite busy on this short trip, between meeting with my research committee members and catching up with old friends!

Today I looked at the academic calendar and realized that if I want to graduate in May, I need to basically have my defense by the end of February. Clearly that can't be right, right? That's way too soon! I called the registrar and the graduate studies office, who confirmed that it should be done in February. And I have to get the actual dissertation thesis to my committee four weeks before that, which puts me finishing my final draft by the end of January.


Which is basically four months away. I just counted it out on my fingers three times to check that I got that right.


Somehow I will take all this data that I have, pray it's significant, analyze it, write it up, and think of something theoretical to say about it. IN FOUR MONTHS.

Yup, just counted it out on my fingers again. Looks like I'll be spending a little less time in the blogosphere and a little more time in the dissertating-sphere!

Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock...

Not that I'm panicking or anything :)