A quick dog update, since I'm sure you're all dying to know. Our poor girl has a rare genetic deficiency and is only expected to live 3-5 years. She's already 2.5, so this is a bit of a bummer. We're planning on just enjoying however much time we get with her!
On an upside, I have to tell you the best part of having a dog: seeing how happy it makes my husband! I can't count how many times he's taken me in his arms and said "Thanks for letting us get a dog." When that happens, it's the highlight of my day.
Yesterday's question was the closest my husband has ever come to posting. Obviously I didn't write it, because I would've been much more long-winded! As you may have guessed, we are in that situation. However, a certain someone would rather I don't blab on about all the details, so I must leave it at that. We are both really enjoying reading everyone's responses, so if you missed it, please check it out and answer!
I was thrilled this week to get an email asking me to do a giveaway! I immediately looked into what they'd offer. Their suggestion: modern furniture or bar stools. What?! Apparently they hadn't read my blog (actually, I'm sure they hadn't), or they would know I am not at all a fan of modern kitchens. So, while I was flattered by the offer, it's not going to happen. And now that I think about it, I wonder if it was really real or some sort of cruel new spam that gets poor little bloggers' hopes up.
I would actually really like to do a giveaway every once in a while, but if/when I do, I want it to mean something. I would probably give away either something from Etsy or something homemade. (And speaking of homemade giveaways, check out This Heavenly Life's, going on now!)
What really made me predominantly anti-giveaway was when I started to feel like Pioneer Woman's blog turned into one big advertisement. I even almost unsubscribed. (I kept on because I like to read the homeschooling pieces and, when I can keep my jealousy at bay, the confessions about ranch life.)
But then the other day I watched her on a morning show, discovered she's not nearly as sassy as she sounds (at least not on national TV), and felt bad for thinking anything but the best about her and her giveaways. She seems like a sweetheart. And I want her cookbook more than ever.
Speaking of food... Wal-Mart might not be evil? And might support local producers?! Here's a fascinating article that discusses Wal-Mart focusing on locally-grown foods, where Wal-Mart actually beats out Whole Foods in a few taste tests: The Great Grocery Smackdown (H/T Radical Womanhood). I'll have to talk to my dad the farmer and get his take on this.
Personally I am not a fan of Whole Foods, or Central Market, or whatever trendy organic fancy-pants grocery store. Back when my husband and I were dating he'd make me go in there to shop now and then and I deplored it. On more than one occasion I almost cried. Give me Wal-Mart, or Aldi, or whatever discount grocery store any day.
I think I've mentioned before that I'm really interested in taking an immersion course at the Theology of the Body Institute. They are pretty pricey, but that's partially because you stay there for a week. Anyway, they have three courses this summer, andI'm contemplating convincing my husband to let me do the first or third one. Would anyone else be interested in joining me? I can shuttle you to and from the airport! I bring all this up now because the early registration deadline is coming up in a few weeks, so I need to start thinking and praying seriously about it.
Also, if you were interested in like a day-long thing, check out their list of seminars. They're going all over between now and May, including Missouri, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, California, North Carolina, South Dakota, even Ontario and British Columbia!
My word of the month: awareness. I feel like everything I talk about centers on some sort of awareness. Fertility awareness. Linguistic awareness (which has become the focus of my dissertation). Hm, well now I can only think of two types of awareness. I hope that doesn't reflect how boring my days are.
If you had a word for this month, what would it be?
Have a great weekend everyone!