I am a creature of habit. I was at a complete loss when I didn't have a chance to post my quick takes yesterday. It just didn't feel like the weekend! So I had to post them today, even though it's a Saturday.
Also, I haven't had time to blog yesterday, and don't think I will this weekend. I expect to be completely overwhelmed by all the catching up I need to do by Monday. I apologize if you have an awesome post and I don't comment on it!
We now own three pieces of furniture! (Since we live with my FIL, we are actually surrounded by tons of furniture, but almost none of it is technically ours.) A china cabinet I convinced my husband to buy from a garage sale right after we got married; a fainting sofa he bought me for Christmas; and our newest item, this lovely Victorian loveseat!
My husband was out of town all week - boo! My FIL was also gone for a couple of those days. Even though the dog kept me company, I was bored. Often when I'm bored I like to cook - but it's not a good plan to bake a different dessert every day if I'm the only one around to eat it!
Instead of taking advantage of extra evening time to work on my dissertation, I did silly things like buy more sewing patterns (I couldn't help it, Joanne's had Simplicity patterns on sale for $1.99!) and daydream about building our own house.
I actually sewed something, too, instead of just buying the pattern and letting it collect dust! I put together this super easy navy blue skirt with an elastic waistband. I wanted something nice and simple to ease me back into sewing, and this definitely fit the bill. In fact, it was so easy that I foresee myself impulse buying clearance fabric in the near future and whipping out a couple more by the end of the year. I'd love to have several everyday skirts to just run around in.
It was hard to narrow down to my favorite house plan. It ended up being a three-way tie between this and this and this. They're all basically the same: country-style homes with wrap-around porches. What can I say? I know what I like.

I actually always assumed when I grew up that my husband and I would build our own house (not do the physical labor, but design it and hire a contractor and whatnot). After all, my parents and grandparents (both sides) had done it - didn't everyone design and build their own house? My husband has informed me that this is not the case. Maybe it's a midwest thing? I'm still holding out hope, though.
Where would we build this house? Your guess is as good as mine.
Have a great weekend everyone!