The Green Room

Questions before I'm pregnant

I have some questions about pregnancy, and instead of turning to the almighty internet, I thought it'd be more fun to have you all answer them! After all, many of you are either pregnant, want to be pregnant, or have been pregnant. So let's share, ladies!

1. What is the best pregnancy book out there? I've heard What to Expect just terrifies you with worst case scenarios, and Girlfriends' Guide to Pregnancy is anti-breastfeeding. How is the Sears' Pregnancy Book? What did you read, and did you like it?

2. Can I work out during the two week wait? Obviously a woman wouldn't drink alcohol or do anything like that, just in case, but how about working out? I assume light exercise is fine, especially if you usually do that. Does running (with all the pounding) count as light exercise? And how about indoor soccer? I'm guessing maybe sports that could involve contact are a no? And that brings me to...

3. How much/how often/how hard/how long can I exercise during pregnancy? If it was up to my husband, I would do nothing but walk the dog for the whole nine months. However, I know that light exercise can be beneficial. What have you done or do you plan to do? Did aspects of the pregnancy change your plans?

4. If my first post-peak day is dry but my temperature hasn't risen yet, can I count that towards the 18 days? (Non-STM NFPers, feel free to ignore this one.)

5. When and for how long does morning sickness run? When do you start to show? I think these are questions I'm supposed to already know the answer to, but I don't.

6. When do you get to start wearing maternity clothes? Where'd you get yours? Confession: ever since the maternity empire-waist look came back in style, I've bought several shirts with the intention of reusing them when pregnant.

7. What is the one thing you wish someone had told you about pregnancy ahead of time?

I'm really looking forward to reading your responses!