I didn't allow myself to write this post until I finished all of my to-do list for the day. However I still couldn't help myself and had to read everyone else's posts this morning before I started on the list. And okay, my to-do list is almost completed. Baby steps.
I experienced my first ever toilet overflowing this week! I had never really believed that the water could actually start pouring over the top of the bowl, but it sure can! Luckily my husband the scientist arrived home from work less than a minute after it started and jumped in to save me. And he wouldn't allow his pregnant wife to do any of the cleanup. I'm smitten with that man. He's my knight in soaking khakis.
We went to the Philadelphia Art Museum on Labor Day. (Don't we sound like a sophisticated couple? Ha!) It was my first time and I quite enjoyed it! It might seem kind of silly, but I really like that they had furniture in the museum. I love beautiful furniture, and it's nice to mix it up between that and paintings.
While we were there, I looked for the Museum ABC book, which I've read rave reviews of in several places. I found it and wasn't too impressed. We ended up getting A is for Art Museum, which I liked because it had questions to engage your child with the artwork, but you could still skip those and keep it short if you wanted. Plus it was of the actual art we had just seen in Philly, as opposed to the NY Metropolitan Museum of Art, where I've never been and probably never will go to.
I am slowly trying to transition to a healthier PBJ. I figure if I start now, it will seem normal by the time I have toddlers eating them. I'm quite pleased with the organic grape jam I got (though I would love to learn to can and make my own!). I just finished up a container of peanut butter and so bought a more natural version this time. I'm not sure if it's the truly natural kind, because you don't have to stir it or keep it in the fridge, but it tastes pretty good! Now I just have to work towards using homemade bread for sandwiches. This will take some work, because my husband the scientist loves his white bread. I at least try to buy the "whole-grain white" in the hopes that there are few more nutrients there. Any tips on switching us over to whole wheat bread? Also, does anyone actually consistently make your own bread and have advice?
This blog will be quiet next week, because I will be out of town defending my dissertation! I've waited so long for this day, it's surreal that it will happen next Wednesday! (Please say a prayer that morning if you think of it!) I'm mostly excited, with a shot of nervousness jolting me every now and then. I am so ready to be done with grad school!
I'm a bit worried that my presentation will be too boring. We were trying to think of ways to make it more engaging - add more sound clips, throw in random pictures, add a laser light show... My newest plan is to just make people keep looking at my belly instead. Maybe if I rub it every now and then and pretend the baby's kicking? And the fact that my left leg really does start to tingle after I'm standing for too long should be helpful, maybe I'll rub it a little bit too. After all, if my committee is constantly reminded of the fact that I'm pregnant, maybe just maybe they'll take it easy on me with the questions. (Is it anti-woman to even suggest that?)
I've realized this will likely be the last time I ever go to Houston. It's a weird feeling, to think that you'll never be someplace ever again. In light of this, my top priority while I'm there (besides visiting friends) (and oh yeah, doing the school stuff) is obviously to EAT. I can't wait for breakfasts of kolaches, Shipley's chocolate glazed donuts, and breakfast tacos. I will definitely need to have Texadelphia for lunch one day - my husband is from the Philadelphia area and even he is adamant that Texadelphia (not Pat's or Geno's) makes the very best cheesesteaks. After living out here and trying a variety of cheesesteaks, I have to agree - Texas wins hands down, for both flavor and friendliness.
Those are the places I know I'll be hitting for sure, along with a Mexican restaurant that's TBD. Other potential restaurants to visit are one of the Pappas (I'm not sure which yet - I'm leaning towards Pappadeaux though it's a bit pricey), Ruggles (or really any place in Rice Village), and bbq (maybe Goode Company). Do you have any recommendations?
Have a great weekend and following week everyone!