We had both our first Bradley class and my first La Leche League meeting this week! I was quite relieved that the leaders of both groups seemed pretty easy-going (read: not nearly as dogmatic as some people in those organizations can be). Some of the things I had read made me worry that the Bradley class would insist that epidurals were from the devil and that any interventions were tantamount to failure, but the instructor made sure to tell us that this was not the case. Phew!
I had also received some raised eyebrows when I mentioned checking out La Leche League, and heard whispers of "They don't shave their legs" and "They let their kids nurse forever." The few ladies that were at the meeting, however, seemed fairly normal to me. So much for those rumors!
Since my blood type is negative and we don't know my husband's, I was supposed to get a Rhogam shot this week. We've put it off so far. We understand why it's important after the birth if our baby has a positive blood type, but we're not sure how necessary it really is at 28 weeks. Does anyone know anything about this? Did anyone else forego the first one, or does everyone pretty much get it just in case?
The other night while watching tv I was getting up every 20 minutes to pee. Finally my husband suggested that maybe I don't actually need to flush every time. I'm wondering how much we'll save on our water bill if I just flush less frequently?
I made pie crust in the food processor for the first time this week! It was quite exciting. I had read about it in my big red cookbook, but hadn't tried it yet. It was soo much easier to just pulse instead of cut the crisco into it!
I'm hoping to never use my pastry cutter again.
Just when I thought I was hot stuff in the kitchen, I managed to cut into my fingernails three times while peeling potatoes. Nothing to keep you humble like rushing to put a band-aid on your finger to keep blood from getting on the potatoes!
This week I decided it was time to put away my summer clothes and pull out my winter sweaters. It is the end of September, after all. The high on the day I ended up doing this was 90 degrees. Oh well. I couldn't fit into those sleeveless tank tops anymore anyway!
Speaking of outgrowing, I'm sure you've been anxiously awaiting another belly shot. Here I am earlier this week. Welcome to the third trimester!
Have a great weekend everyone!