I got a new white workout watch and think I look like hot stuff in it.
I firmly believe that my boots look good with everything. Skirt, dress, jeans, khakis - you name it.
I want to get a haircut but have no idea what to do with it. Suggestions? I'd like something that I can still pull back into a ponytail (because that's really how I wear it most days) and don't have to spend a lot of time on, but still looks semi-cute. I worry that when it's just long like this it makes my face look too long. Keep in mind that I haven't used a curling iron or blow dryer in years and don't really plan to start any time soon. Because I'm lazy low-maintenance.
The most recent picture where my hair isn't wet or pulled back.
Sidenote: My husband is the cutest ever.
Speaking of hair... I just yesterday discovered that some people don't use shampoo and conditioner. After stumbling across this and this, I found all kinds of interesting reading on the topic. I was intrigued and contemplated doing it for about 3 minutes. Then I remembered that my hair is probably already going to be messed up by going from pregnancy to birth to breastfeeding, and more importantly that would really gross out my husband the scientist. He's one of those people who actually feel a need to shower every day. Whereas I don't really think it's necessary if I didn't work up a sweat.
I told him about it anyway, just to feel him out. His response?
"Challenge accepted!"
The next time I wonder why we don't have more friends, I will remind myself that it's because I don't shower daily and he doesn't wash his hair.
Okay, here's a very important matter that I need your help with. I have a pair of straight-legged black jeans. Can I wear them? I'm pretty sure straight-legged are stylish now (as are tapered legs, which do not work with my massive calf muscles - seriously, I can't get them on), so I think they're okay on that point. But, um, black jeans? Is that still way uncool?
Black maternity jeans that my mom found for $8.
Is there a reason they were on sale for so cheap?
I take back #2 just a little bit. My brown boots would probably not look good with straight-legged black jeans. And if the boots were black, then I'd just look like a biker chick.
It's official - it is difficult and uncomfortable to tie my shoes. Any recommendations for good, cheap non-laced tennis shoes to get me through the last 7ish weeks? Do they still sell shoes like that at Wal-Mart, or do I have to get a name brand to keep from hurting my feet?
Thank you for bearing with me as I display my complete lack of style. Thank you even more for helping me correct it. You can check out other (likely less frivolous) quick takes at conversiondiary.com.
Have a great weekend!