I'm discovering that baptism dresses are expensive! Almost every one I've seen is at least $80, and they go up into the hundreds! And that doesn't include the "preservation bag" (another $30), a matching sweater or jacket (because they're all short sleeved) (another $30 minimum), and all the other optional accessories. Because it's not really a baptism unless you have the matching socks, booties, bib, and blanket. Yikes!
Do you at least use the same dress with multiple children, or are you expected to buy a separate outfit for each baby?
I just discovered how to archive messages in gmail. I cannot tell you how exciting this is. No longer do I have over 2000 email conversations just hanging out in my inbox!
Also, I have a confession. When I want to reply to someone, I just star the email. Clearly I have let that system go, seeing as I have over 160 starred emails hanging around. As I was going through and archiving blog comments (because I love you all so much that I haven't been able to delete any), I found comments that I had starred going back all the way to this time last year. I'm so embarrassed! So if I never responded to a comment or email of yours, please forgive me. I probably had good intentions. And now I am too embarrassed to reply.
Did anyone else feel like they were getting mugged when they went to vote? There were people everywhere trying to hand me things, even in the building itself. For some reason I thought it was illegal to be within a certain distance of the polling place - apparently that distance is about five feet from the sign-in table.
I was going to write a post earlier this week about how I was detoxing from Halloween - eating lots of corn and grapes and salad after stuffing my face with chocolate over the past month weekend. Then I needed to make a snack for our women's group meeting. And I may or may not have rationalized a handful or two or three of chocolate chips by reminding myself that I sent all of our leftover candy to work with my husband the scientist.
And I may or may not have done this several days in a row.
Do you have any reading recommendations for books (or videos) about (real) food? I'm gearing up to eventually do some research on all this, but I'd like to get a really balanced look at it all. I'd love to hear if there has been anything that's influenced your family's diet. For example, has anything inspired you to switch to organic, or conversely convinced you not to worry about it?
My mom and grandma are coming out to visit next week! I'm so excited! Although I think they're even more excited! When my mom told my grandma she was coming and asked if she'd like to join her, my grandma didn't even bother to check with my grandpa - she immediately got on the computer and booked her flight!
I'm really thankful this week for an increasing sense of community out here. It's so nice to actually have girlfriends, even if you don't know each other that well yet!
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Have a great weekend everyone!