All I think about is nursing. I was prepared to think about nothing but the baby... but it's not even that. I don't think much about her clothes or bathing her or taking pictures of her adorableness. I haven't even started writing her birth story. Almost every thought that goes through my mind is somehow related to feeding little Miss Miriam. I've almost written several posts all about the subject - except then I don't have time to because she's ready to eat again. It took me all week to come up with seven quick takes that weren't only about breastfeeding. I'm not really complaining here, just observing. I had no idea I would be so focused on nursing!
Another thing I didn't realize: I didn't know how much I'd worry before and celebrate after poop - both the baby's and mine!
How do you get a baby to actually sleep on her back? Miriam fusses within five minutes of being put down flat on her back, even if she was in a deep sleep. Please share your advice on the subject!
An update on my postpartum body: the good and the ugly.
The good: After gaining 38 pounds during the pregnancy, I was down to just ten pounds over my pre-pregnancy weight a week later, and seven over now. And this is actually my college weight, so even if I don't lose it, I won't feel all that bad!
The ugly: I've got some major stretch marks right in the middle of my belly! It's a good thing I already decided not to wear two-piece swimsuits for modesty's sake, or I might actually be disappointed. Instead I'll just brag about having the badges of motherhood. And refuse to show them to anyone.
Oh, and speaking of my body - my forearms are getting ripped from holding this baby. That and I feel like I'm getting carpel tunnel.
I made it through the first couple days home alone with the baby! Okay, in all honesty I cried three times on the first day, but one of those times was tears of joy that my husband was coming home early to help his poor overwhelmed wife. The two days after that were much better - no tears at all!
My husband is amazing! He cooks, he does all the dishes, he washes the diapers, he walks the baby around when she fusses, he waits on me hand and foot, he sends me to bed early and takes care of the baby until she's hungry again, he changes her in the middle of the night, he gets up early to take care of the baby so I can sleep a little longer, and then he goes to work on top of all that. I can't think of an adjective that is awesome enough to describe him. I mostly just thank God for him over and over.
Happy New Year!