Today's Quick Takes are still all baby-related, because that's still all I think about. And I'm perfectly happy with that.
More importantly, today's are all about the things that are going well with having a baby! I feel like my past couple posts were too negative, when having Miriam really has been great. So today, a short list of positives.
While nursing has been tough on me, it's been great for the baby! She weighed 7 lb 9 oz at birth and had dropped to 7 lb 6 oz when being discharged from the hospital. Two weeks later she was supposed to be back to 7 lb 9 oz, and how much did she weigh? A whopping 8 lb 6 oz! Yes, this baby gained a whole pound! That was great motivation to keep on breastfeeding, let me tell you.
The other plus from breastfeeding? I think it's going to foster a relationship between me and Mary! I've just never been able to feel any connection there, but in desperation I started to pray to her, and things really started getting better after that. Seeing as Miriam was born on the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the name Miriam is an older form of the name Mary, and Mary is Our Lady of La Leche, it only makes sense that she'd be glad to petition her Son to help us out.
(Sidenote: I was looking for prayers to Our Lady of La Leche about breastfeeding or just for nursing mothers in general, and couldn't find anything! Really? There's nothing out there on that?)
Cloth diapering is going great! We used disposables for the first few days because I'd heard the meconium can stain, but started on the cloth ones within the first week. Even my dad, who vowed he wouldn't change a diaper unless it was disposable, had to confess that cloth really were just as easy as disposables.
We're washing them pretty often, probably every 36 hours rather than every other day, but that's just because we only got 18 of the extra-small size instead of the 24 that were recommended. I'm really glad we're starting with cloth diapers, though, because I couldn't imagine already having all the laundry that comes with kids and then adding the diapers on top of that.
Also, if anyone is interested in using sized BumGenius diapers (as opposed to one-size), they're being discontinued (boo) which means they're on sale for cheap (yay)! You can buy them from Cotton Babies for $9.95 instead of the regular $15.95. (I'm not getting anything for telling you this.) My husband really likes these diapers, and if that isn't enough of a recommendation I don't know what could be!

I am having a blast baby-wearing! I was a bit nervous about it, but this week I've really gotten the hang of putting her in the Moby Wrap. It's so nice to give my arms a break and have my hands free to do important things like type this blog post. And how could you not love looking down and seeing this?
I just have to keep bragging on my husband. He does so much work and has been so supportive of me nursing. He is definitely our hero and all three of his girls (me, the baby, and the dog) just fawn over him!
Okay, I just have to include two more pictures from Miriam sleeping in the wrap. Look at those adorably round cheeks!
Have a great weekend!