We realized that our baby's name of Miriam Denise gives her the first two initials of MD. So my husband has decided that will be what she will be - a medical doctor. Luckily this falls within the acceptable range of career options for our children.
Seriously, though - we've already had people ask what she's going to be when she grows up. Who knows at this point?! I always want to answer that question by saying she'll be a nun - both because it'd be fun to see their reaction and because we would be thrilled if that ended up happening.
Some generous friends of my husband's family got Miriam pink Uggs. She actually got two pairs - one in a smaller size and one in a larger size. It's a very nice gift... but really, what 2 month old goes around in Uggs?
The thing is, they are kind of cute. But I would feel almost pretentious if I walked around with a daughter wearing shoes that cost more than my own, especially when she can't even walk. I thought about returning them, as the givers live in Texas and wouldn't ever know, but my husband would rather not.
So what do I do? Just embrace the fact that she has such nice things and have her wear the heck out of them to get their money's worth, even if it makes me feel uncomfortable? Or just tuck them in the closet and never have her wear them? Or just have her wear them when she's out with her daddy? I am putting way too much thought into this.
Our neighbor got us a bottle of champagne as a belated baby gift. I haven't touched alcohol in over a year, and while I don't miss it at all, the thought of a fun bubbly drink was exciting. My husband noted that it was dry, though, so I probably wouldn't like it. So I did what any mature young mother would do - mixed it with cherry kool-aid. And it was delicious!
And it made me reminisce about my college days, mixing kool-aid and vodka. I miss those girls.
And only a few days later I got an email from my college rugby team with a picture of this year's t-shirt, the back of which said "14 classy ladies and 1 hooker." And even though I'm a serious adult now, it still made me giggle.

The other day I read out loud an author description "{So-and-so} is a freelance writer with a PhD from {Prestigious} University" and asked my husband if he thought that could be me someday. My amazing husband stopped doing the dishes to walk over to me, look me straight in the eye, and give me this awesome encouraging talk. And what did it all boil down to? How he wants me (us really) to do something good - he doesn't care if I never make any money, but he wants me to be a cause of good in the world.
And that is just another one out of about a gazillion reasons why I love my husband.

My latest daydream is owning a family cow. Seriously. To the point that I added a book about it to my amazon wishlist. Because really, how cool would that be?! Fresh milk every morning! I could learn how to make cheese and butter and cream!
For a while before this, the dream was to own chickens. But my father the farmer pointed out how much chickens smell. And when a man who's raised pigs for the last forty years (and cows before that) tells you that the worst-smelling livestock is chickens, you listen.
And more importantly, my husband doesn't actually like eggs. So a cow it is! Or maybe goats...
My husband saw this car commercial and said immediately that this would be our next car, just because he liked the commercial.
I on the other hand reminded him how we want to buy American for everything else, shouldn't we do the same with a car? Commercials like the following inspire me. (Until I realize that's Eminem in there. Also I'm not actually big on the car itself - but it's a good commercial!)
Luckily we will not be buying a car for quite awhile, so right now these discussions are about as serious as the ones about owning a cow.
My father-in-law travels to Europe several times a year for work, and always makes a point to bring us back fancy chocolates. Isn't that sweet? This time he brought back two boxes of it - one for us and one for Miriam, which I of course took to mean for me.
So when my husband walked in on me in the kitchen last night shoveling handfuls of chocolate in my mouth, guess what kind it was?
Wrong! It was generic chocolate chips. (Only because I was afraid of what would happen if I opened the pound-sized bag of M&Ms.) Turns out my tastes just aren't exquisite enough for Swiss chocolate. Give me Hershey's any day.
I'm such an American.
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Have a great weekend everyone!