A post by my husband!
You know who gets me fired up more than anyone? Father John Corapi! Waking up in the morning and listening to him lecture on good vs. evil, freedom vs. license, the Rosary; that’s what really gets me started in the morning!
For more than 2 years, I listened to the most stupefying morning radio shows on Earth. I won’t name anything specific, but I’m sure we all know a few radio stations that we feel put on pretty bad morning radio programs. I mean, how much do I really care about what the cast of Jersey Shore is up to or what Michael Vick is doing to repair his public image. My local morning radio options became more frustrating to listen to than they were worth. This past fall I stopped listening to the radio at all during my morning commute, which I didn’t really mind.
Then, one morning, I got into the car and the radio was already turned on. The people on the radio were having a discussion on what the difference between debate and dissent is and how when talking about issues such as abortion we should recognize whether someone really wants to engage in a debate, or whether they are just expressing dissent. What a great discussion to hear! I kept the radio tuned to this station for the rest of my commute. This was my first exposure to Holy Spirit Radio.

I kept the radio tuned to this station for my morning commute for the rest of the week, and I really learned a lot. I learned that there are ways to invest responsibly with organizations that represent Catholic values (see Ave Maria Mutual Funds). I learned that the Pope still doesn’t condone using contraception (duh!). And, I was introduced to a priest named Father Corapi, who gets me really fired up (in a good way!).
I haven’t looked back since. For the past four months, during my morning commute, I have listed to Brian Patrick and the Son Rise Morning Show and Father Corapi lectures. The Son Rise Morning Show keeps me informed on the news, keeps me knowledgeable as to what feast day it may be, gives me investing advice, and keeps me in tune to issues that affect my faith. Father Corapi lectures follow the Son Rise Morning Show. Father Corapi is an extraordinary speaker and the basic premise of most of his lectures seems to be about the battle between good and evil. For example, this week, they are replaying a lecture where he has taken the United States soldier’s creed and replaced references to the US with references to God and the Catholic Church. So, for the past few days, the last thing I hear before I get out of my car and walk into work is I will always place the mission first. I will never accept defeat. I will never quit. I will never leave a fallen comrade. And it goes on. Needless to say, I feel pretty fired up for the day when I walk into work!
So, that’s my story of how I became filled with the fire of the Holy Spirit Radio. It has definitely given me a better start to my day. What do you listen to in the morning? Do you listen to Christian radio?