1. Today marks five years of us being together! My husband the scientist surprised me with red roses to celebrate!
2. We met the first week of grad school in Texas. He was wearing a white polo, blue shorts, and orange flip-flops. I had a crush immediately. But even though we were living in the same apartment building, I only saw him three times over the next seven months. But once we finally did get together (thanks to Beer Bike of all things), we were inseparable!
3. Our first actual date was going out to brunch. I still remember feeling all tingly when he held my hand walking to the car afterwards.
4. Actually, holding his hand just keeps getting better! I loved it when we were dating. I loved it even more when we were engaged. I loved it even more when we were married. I thought I was going to burst when we held hands while I was pregnant. And now, walking down the sidewalk, when he has the baby carrier in one hand and my hand in the other? I'm about to explode with love.
5. I took him home to meet my family that Fourth of July. After that weekend, I knew for sure that I was going to marry him. I'd had an inkling for awhile, but I wanted to make sure and get my family's seal of approval.

6. However, my then-boyfriend thought he needed to focus on schoolwork, so off he went for 6 months to California. That sucked, but it prepared us for other times in our relationship when we would have to do long-distance. Plus when I visited him we had an awesome time at Universal Studios!

7. We've road-tripped across the country with all our moves. California back to Texas. Texas to Missouri and back. Texas to Pennsylvania. I can't wait until we do our final road trip from Pennsylvania back to Missouri, to stay (crossing fingers and praying hard)!

8. We didn't have a song for the longest time. Finally when we were watching Big and Rich at the rodeo, he suggested our song be "Lost in This Moment." And I melted. And then he started crooning "Stuck in this moment with you" and I laughed.

9. My husband's enthusiasm for fatherhood is unmatched.
10. Since you already know my real name and our daughter's real name, I think it's time to reveal my husband the scientist's real name. (You could find it in one click, anyway!) It is...
Gregory! Were you surprised?
Check out 10 interesting things about lots of other couples over at Betty Beguiles!