The NFP conference was great! In particular Bill Donaghy and Damon Owens, of the Theology of the Body Institute, were excellent. My husband raved about Damon Owens: "That dude's dynamite!"
I think we're going to buy the book God's Plan for a Joy-Filled Marriage. Anyone have experience using that for marriage prep classes? We've talked before about helping with pre-Cana classes (although we didn't actually take one ourselves). We've also talked about becoming an NFP teaching couple. Really we're just kind of waiting for someone (ahem, God) to ask us to do something and we're in!
Well, this weekend we sat next to a couple and she asked us if we'd be interested in being an NFP witness couple. So it looks like that might be the path we take!
Our parish is doing a Theology of the Body study and my husband and I are leading one of the discussion groups. It's been a lot of fun so far! Miriam is learning a lot, too. We like to start them young.
We are looking to sell one of our cars. It's a '98 Chevy Malibu that I have loved, but its time has come. It no longer has air conditioning or even reliable heat. So what's the best way to get rid of it? Craig's List? Just sell it to a dealer? Just sell it for parts?
My husband kindly pointed out that not everyone gets as excited about water bottles as I do. I am constantly drinking water throughout the day and get a little panicky if I'm out somewhere and don't have any water on me. I even have to have one next to me during the night. So maybe I'm a little obsessive? Anyway, even if you're not as weird as me, if you'd like a free water bottle, I'm giving one away!
What do you do about your baby's nails? We will cut them one day and by the next evening my chest still looks like it's been attacked by a rabid cat. Do I need to file them or something? How would I go about biting them? The extent of attention I pay to my own nails is to cut them when they're too long, so I'm completely ignorant about all this.
I am loving motherhood!! It will be interesting to see when my fertility comes back and when the next one comes along!
Visit Jen at conversiondiary.com for more Quick Takes!
Have a great weekend everyone!