By My Husband
We’re bringing back Sunday’s best. My younger brother and I agreed that it’s time to bring back wearing a suit to Church. My wife and I live in a pretty affluent parish, but the monsignor still has to remind people when summer comes around not to wear flip flops and shorts to church. Starting this week, it’s a shirt, tie, and jacket to Church on Sunday.
I think that we should propose the theme, “NFP in the Digital Age” for next year’s PNFPN conference. It’s a take on Matt Swaim’s “Prayer in the Digital Age.” There could be a presentation about NFP related apps, a talk about online NFP communities, NFP related blogs. Maybe we could even get Matt to come and talk. Would that work?
I’m reading Father Larry Richards’ book “Be a Man.” Nothing gets me fired up more than reading the excerpt from the Book of Kings when David says to Solomon “Take courage and be a man… Act with the wisdom that you posses.” If we ever have one/several son(s), I am going to stencil that verse around the top of his/their bedroom.
On another manly note, I recently realized that the three popes that have been named “Great” all have names that run in our family: Gregory, Nicholas, and Leo. If we ever have a son, I think we have some strong names to choose from.
I am realizing more and more how valuable it is that my wife and I are on the same side of so many debates. It’s nice to know that we won’t ever have to argue about what proper Church attire is, how late the kids will be allowed to stay up, and more.
I love how happy our daughter makes other people. Little girls stare and smile when they see her. I have had an elderly woman come up to me and say “Thank you for sharing your baby” after an event at Church. Even my 93 year old grandmother can’t hold herself back from loving on her.
Our daughter rolled over for the first time on Wednesday night and I was the one to see it! She did it again the next morning and this is the picture that my wife took of her. She’s only 4 months old now, but she looks older to us!