I was all over the place yesterday. I started listing all the things I was freaking out about. Then I thought to myself, "Well at least we haven't had any problems with cloth diapering and elimination communication. That's going really well!"
You know where this is headed, right?
Last night after nursing, my husband took Miriam off my hands so I could shower. She started fussing while he was changing her diaper, so he picked up his naked daughter. Who promptly peed all over him.
I had to laugh. We've gotten used to carrying around a stark naked baby, but I always make sure she's just peed before we do! I was just a little bit proud of myself that Miriam's never peed on me like that - she's done it while I was holding a prefold under her, but never just all over my clothes.
Fast-forward to this morning. I've put on a skirt for the day, reveling in the gorgeous weather. Miriam has already peed in the toilet twice, so I'm carrying her around naked until the next time she needs to go. I'm still feeling sorry for my husband, so I'm glad to help him with the dog this morning. I glance at the clock as I go to fill the water bowl, relieved to see I still have five more minutes before Miriam has to go pee again.
But it turns out babies are just like the rest of us - when they hear running water, they feel the urge. And that, my friends, is how my perfect baby peed all over me this morning.
This is after she leaked through two different diapers in bed last night.
I just wanted to make sure and keep things real on here.
Despite all the urine we've dealt with in the past 12 hours, I'm in a remarkably good mood! Sure, she peed on us - but that happens. I probably needed to be knocked down a peg anyway! Sure, she peed in bed right next to where I was lying - but that happens, too. I've gotten good at keeping enough spare diapers and blankets next to us that I've become adept at just changing her, covering the spot, and going back to sleep - no getting out of bed required!
And on an even more positive note, twice during the night when she was fussing, I held her to pee in a bowl and she did! I'd been suspicious that some of her night wakings were because she had to go to the bathroom, and this has really confirmed it.
So there you have it. Some of the ups and downs of EC - which on inspection are really just some of the ups and downs of parenting. Pee happens. Whether your baby is in a cloth diaper, a disposable diaper, or no diaper at all.
Right? Tell me you've been peed on or slept in a peed-in bed, too...