It's a cold and rainy morning here, which means it's a perfect time to catch up on my online reading!* I've been essentially offline for like 2+ weeks, so I'm wondering what I've missed. Can you fill me in? Any good blog posts or comment threads? (Feel free to self-plug!) Any good articles out there? Watched any good videos lately? Is there any interesting old stuff that I might have missed? What's your favorite site to visit when you're bored? And any must-read real books that I should check out from the library soon?
*Why yes, I did just write a post about how I don't want too much technology. But I have all kinds of excuses - I finished my library books and am not going for more until tomorrow... my sewing machine is getting fixed and so I can't craft... the weather is gross and so we can't go outside... I've even finished all the laundry and chores!