- The movers finally delivered our stuff.
- We unpacked approximately 120 boxes. Only 30 or so to go!
- We had my family over for the day to see the new place. Two home-cooked meals for ten, coming right up!
- I was surprisingly tickled to see neighborhood kids traipsing through our front and back yards like they owned the place.
- Miriam had her 8 month birthday.
- Miriam’s fifth tooth poked through.
- Miriam started CRAWLING.
- Miriam said both “dada” and “mama” on the same day.
So yeah, it was a big week around here. As to what happened in the rest of the world, I have no idea. We are still without internet and television. (This is the first time I’ve been online in a week – that has to be some kind of a record, right?) So what have I missed? Anything important in the world or exciting or interesting in the blogosphere?