My plans at 18: Go to college, immediately meet my future husband, get married after finishing undergrad, get my master's in education and become a teacher.
At 20: No husband in sight. Plan to do student teaching at a base in Germany. Plan to meet future husband there, surrounded by all those handsome men in uniform.
At 22: Skipping the master's to go straight for the PhD. Plan to go to grad school in Texas and then become a professor in the midwest. Decide to avoid disappointment and not plan for the whole future husband thing.
At 23: Realize the world doesn't need another linguistics professor and decide to actually do something practical with my degree. Enroll in Arabic and plan to become a forensic linguist. Plan to move to DC and work for some sort of intelligence agency. Plan to meet future husband there.
At 24: Realize I'm dating my future husband. Inform him of the new plan: get engaged in two years, married the year after that, work for a year or two and then have babies while still working. Don't mention the part of the plan where he becomes Protestant.

Around my 25th birthday
Today I turn 29. I'm a Catholic stay at home mom, something I never could have planned. And I love it.
So now I'm done planning the big things. Sure, I've got a lot of ideas of the way I'd like things to go, particularly when it comes to expanding our family. But I've found that it's best to just pray for guidance and "Thy will" and go with it. Sometimes He'll give me a glimpse of what's coming and sometimes He won't. Either way, I rest assured that it'll be a much better plan than anything I could come up with.