The Green Room

Pins of Note (Quick Takes 77)

Have I mentioned that I am newly obsessed with Pinterest? Today, for your viewing pleasure, I bring you seven of my favorite pins. (All photos linked to original sources.)


Totally doing this for Miriam's room - I can match the fabric to her curtains and quilt!
You know, when I get around to making her curtains and a quilt.


Or I might do this for her room instead, and use the fabric hoop idea downstairs.


Dream library loft.


Should I buy this shirt?
I desperately need to print this out and carry it with me.


Very easy quilt. The one I'm going to make. When I finish the curtains...


Even I am more likely to eat my veggies when they're a skeleton!


Dream playroom. If you'd like to transform our basement into this, please be my guest!

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