It's time I inform you of the sad state of my armpits. That homemade deodorant I made did indeed work to prevent stench. Unfortunately, within four days it also worked to make my armpits completely break out. It was bad, folks. Red splotchiness everywhere.
I then had to go four days without putting anything on my armpits so they could recover. And the smell? AWFUL. I wondered if I'd somehow accidentally caused my armpits to try to detox. My husband wouldn't cuddle with me, even when I'd taken a shower only a couple hours before. And he claimed that the smell was physically rubbing off onto poor Miriam.
Needless to say, we were all happy when I finally went to the store and bought some more deodorant. That's the last time I try to make our own body products.
But what do I do with the coconut oil now? I had all kinds of plans for it, from cooking to hair styling, but now I'm a bit nervous. If it did that to my armpits, perhaps I shouldn't ingest it.
Actually, I later heard that it was probably the cornstarch that caused my reaction and not the coconut oil. Which once again leads me to muse, if it did that to my armpits, perhaps I shouldn't ingest it.
You may have heard the world population passed the 7 billion mark this week. Hopefully you didn't fall for the overpopulation myth ominously underlying practically every story on the subject. (Except for this one.)
As a brief review:
Poverty = True
Hunger = True
Overpopulation = False
And here's a great short video about the numbers:
I am now soliciting birthday gift ideas for my mother. My dad's suggestion: have another baby so when the two of them visit they'll each have a grandchild to play with and they won't have to fight over Miriam. Since that's not going to happen in the next two weeks, I'm looking for other ideas.
My husband, after a rough night with Miriam: "I went to the bathroom this morning and saw a flashing red light. I thought the aliens had come to take me. Then I realized... "
"You realized it was just the stick your wife had peed on!" I finished with a giggle.
All that to say, we're pretty happy with using the Marquette model to observe my fertility postpartum. Although I do trust my bodily signs more than the monitor. Which is a good thing, in my opinion.
This new line of baby product fabrics at JoAnn's almost has me wanting to try my hand at sewing my own cloth diapers. Almost. Until I remember that PUL is a bear and we're perfectly happy with our current diaper stash.
After reading this fabulous review (seriously, if only all product reviews were this detailed!) I bought this steam mop with my birthday money. That's how you know you're old and boring, in case you were wondering. I'm still so excited about it that I am going to go use it again right now. That's twice in three weeks that my floor is getting mopped - definitely a record in our home!
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!
Have a great weekend!