The Green Room

what this blog is not

My husband the scientist: "It's starting to look like you have a sex blog."

Me (horrified): "I don't have a sex blog! That sounds so... dirty."

Apparently I have been a little overzealous in discussing NFP, at least from a certain someone's perspective. And since his perspective is the most important one to me, I'm canceling my plans for the last two NFP Awareness Week posts. I know you're disappointed. They were gonna be good - debunking the myth of overpopulation and then the connection between contraception and divorce and abortion. Scintillating stuff. But as I am horrified of this blog being thought of as dirty (I shudder just to write the word), I will refrain. For now at least :)

Instead, I'll just direct you to this other great post about NFP. I realized I haven't ever done a really good general overview, and she does a very nice job.