The Green Room

7 Quick Takes (2)

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I have a wart. It's on the middle finger of my right hand. See it?

It's been around since about the time we got married - almost a year ago. At the time my husband the scientist had one, too. We spent a good two months using those band-aids that are supposed to get rid of them. I thought it worked. Then it started coming back. What to do?

I was traumatized by a wart episode in 2nd grade. I had one on my hand and no one would hold my hand when it was time to go in from recess. Luckily my husband the scientist has no choice but to hold my hand, wart and all - oh the joys of marriage!


My husband the scientist thinks he's pretty hot stuff when it comes to horseshoes.

He gets very focused.

I try not to tease him too much, because I think it's so cute and I would hate for him to stop.


Consider this fair warning: I'm a serial smiler on the run.

I mean it. When I'm working out, I have an insatiable desire to smile at any and every person I see. Old ladies sitting on their porches are my favorite and easiest victims. They're always good for a smile, sometimes a wave, and when I get really lucky, even a hello! Young punk boys on their bikes are my toughest targets - it's better to get them alone when they think no one is watching. And I always go after other runners, often with a comment on the weather or the terrain.

So if you see some crazy kook huffing down the road and she gives you a big goofy grin, please just smile back, and maybe even nod and say hi. You'll make her day, I guarantee it!


We are swimming in squash and zucchini. I've been trying all kinds of recipes so we don't waste any... and so my father-in-law doesn't get too sick of it. My husband the scientist has assured me time and again that he will never get sick of it. I actually believe him.

Anyway, food photos to come next week - at least of the successful creations!


I have a confession. I love watching Burn Notice. I think it satisfies my inner desire to become a supersleuth. I used to want to be Nancy Drew.

Oops, did I mention that was in high school? Okay, and in college, too? And that I still haven't gotten over it, and sometimes daydream about finally finishing this phd and going to work for the government or intelligence community? Well, at least I did until I failed an FBI polygraph last summer. But I'll save that story for another post.


Sayonara to my brother-in-law and new sister-in-law. They're leaving next week to live in Japan for a couple years. Yes, I just said Japan. She's a naval doctor, so they thought while they were still young they'd go ahead and do a year or two of duty in Okinawa. Except now that 1-2 years has become a minimum of 2 and up to 3. Oh golly!

My brother-in-law expects everyone to come visit them, at least once. This sort of puts a cramp in our personal plans. We did think about taking a big trip next spring/summer to celebrate me finishing my phd, someplace great like Australia or Rome. But Japan? That's one place that I've never really had a desire to see. And have I mentioned how badly I want to start a family? I know the world tells you to do all your fun stuff before you start popping out babies, but I'm willing to wait another 20+ years for that.

Anyway, my husband the scientist mentioned that we might not make it over to visit, but my brother-in-law kept pressing the issue. So finally last night at the going-away dinner, he informed his brother that if I wasn't knocked up in the next year and a half, we would be very disappointed. And oh yeah we might get a dog, too.

"So maybe you two plus one will come visit," my brother-in-law finally conceded. "Three years is a long time."

I just laughed - apparently he had never heard my husband on a rant about infants on a plane.

"Yeah, three years is a long time," my husband whispered to me. "We might be trying for number two by then!"


I need your help. We're moving over in with my father-in-law over the next couple weekends and I still have not chosen a paint color for our bedroom! I love the red quilt we have on our bed now, but as we're moving on up from our full-size bed to a king-size (yikes!), we had to get new bedding. Here it is:

I love Americana quilts, and my husband the scientist approved - for some reason he was not a fan of the floral or paisley comforters I showed him.

Anyway, I'm afraid to use red or navy on the walls because the furniture is a dark wood and room is already fairly dark. (There are no overhead lights in any of the bedrooms. It drives me crazy, mostly because I am not used to using lamps.) So I'm trying to decide between light blue (too cool?) and beige (too boring?). We have to do something, because peach is just not my thing. And it would be nice to make it feel like our own bedroom, instead of his parent's old bedroom. We're already using their furniture - something's gotta change in there. Any suggestions?

Also, in the sitting area attached to the bedroom, I think I want to experiment with painting stripes. I'm super excited about this. Maybe navy and light blue and beige? Or throw a splash of red in there? Wait a minute... When am I going to get around to doing this? When we only have the next two weekends to move and, oh yeah, I haven't started packing yet? Oh golly - I've gotta go...