The Green Room

7 Quick Takes (11)

1. When I told my husband the scientist that it was finally time and I was getting my hair chopped off this week, he burst into song. No joke.

Picture if you can my husband (the same man who wore a sumo suit) jumping around the kitchen and rocking out, not with an air guitar, but with an air tambourine.

2. I planned to donate my hair to Locks of Love. However, the salon I went to doesn't actually donate to Locks of Love, because it turns out they're a for-profit organization! They sell the hair you donate to them! So they give to another group (whose name I of course cannot recall) that actually does use it to make wigs for kids with cancer.

3. I was quite torn as to whether I should include pictures on here. Then I decided it was criminal not to include a visual on your blog when you have one, so they're below. To be honest, I don't like this haircut that much, but I think it'll grow on me. (Please note that this is not code for "please compliment me and tell me how great my hair looks." Seriously.)

4. Okay, ready? Here's the before, my long beautiful locks:

And here's the after:

5. I actually went through twice and wrote up 7 Quick Takes all about my hair and this experience. And then I realized how ridiculously vain and self-centered I sounded. Especially while I'm immersing myself in modesty literature. Oh, the irony! Sorry about that.

Does this song make up for it? You're at least bobbing your head by now, right?

6. Speaking of modesty, I'm discovering that this is a much bigger issue than I thought. Silly me thought I could just sit down and broach it in one post. Maybe it'll turn into a three part series? Maybe that's just because I'm putting off actually taking a cold hard look in my closet?

7. Okay, I did actually glance in my closet and nothing jumped out and shrieked "You look like a whore in this!" I think that's an encouraging start.

For much more interesting Quick Takes, check out!