In my ongoing search for modest clothes, I keep stumbling upon cute internet shops with adorable skirts - going for like $50. I am a cheapskate. I will not be paying that much for a skirt, and probably not that much for an entire dress.
I do like the thought of supporting individuals in their businesses, especially when these are women who do this on the side so they can stay at home to raise their children. I think that's really nice, and who knows, perhaps I'd do something like that myself someday! My husband for one is all about supporting local business. He swears that if we found someone in our area to buy from, he would only buy two shirts a year and honestly be willing to pay a whole lot for them. I completely believe him.
And the thing is, there is someone in our area, who would not only do that but do it for free. That person would be me. I was lucky enough to have a mother who taught me to sew (that was always my main 4-H project and she was my leader). I sewed dresses and costumes and even a formal. What's more, I actually enjoyed it! Not always during the process, but always afterwards. I even have my own sewing machine that I insisted come with us when we got married. It has only been used twice in the last I'm-not-sure-how-many years.
So I refuse to pay more than $20 for a skirt, because I know I can do it myself for less than that. Skirts are super easy to sew (depending on the waistband, I suppose, but even then they're fairly simple*). If I took the time to find one good pattern and several fabrics that I liked, I would be completely set in that department!
But taking the time to do that is the hard part. And the scary thing is, right now I am enjoying the most flexible and free time I will have for the next 30 years of my life. I do not have a 9-5 job to go to and I do not have children underfoot. The fact that I cannot pull it together to do some of the things I keep meaning to (sewing, volunteering) is not a good sign for the days when I do have all those other things preventing me!
I suppose if I took all the time I spend blogging, even for just a week, I would be able to crank out a great sewing project. But my blogging time is usually bits here and there during my official research time, so that's hard to condense. And getting back into reading (mostly books but also blogs) has been my goal for so long that I'm hesitant to sacrifice it now that I've achieved it for another goal.
Do any of you have tips on how to make time for those things? Or horror stories on what will happen in the future if I don't do them now? Any amazing seamstresses who can give advice or novices with funny stories?
* If you're not really a sewer, I encourage you to try! (If you can make time for it, of course!) If you go to a fabric store and look at the patterns, each brand has their own line of very simple patterns for the beginner. For example, Simplicity has It's So Easy and McCall has Easy Stitch 'N Save. I'd suggest starting with an apron, an elastic-band skirt, or very simple bag (not a purse with a lot of pockets or details).