I ate a chocolate-peppermint cookie before 8:00 this morning.
Okay, now that I got that off my chest, let's move on. I made three different types of Christmas cookies last week. I actually wanted to make one or two more, but my husband the scientist protested. Yes, my chocolate-loving husband asked that I not make any more. Which makes sense, as we were the only two people eating them.
I explained to him that I was making extra for other people, like the mailman. He and my FIL looked at me like I was crazy. My FIL kindly explained to me that the mailman already gets paid, so we don't have to give him anything.
Well, yeah. But isn't it nice to show our appreciation for them?
"I'll bet you all gave gifts to your schoolteachers, too," he laughed.
Yes, of course. And Sunday school teachers and the bus driver. Didn't everybody?
Apparently not. But I am determined to spread some cheer anyway. Perhaps it will mean even more if people around here don't do that! Or perhaps they will think I'm crazy. But as long as it's crazy in a good way, I'm fine with that.
Do you all do little gifts as tokens of appreciation? (And is it really silly that I put gift baggies on top of the trashcan?)