Anyone else out there constantly thinking about baby names?
I tend to go with traditional or Biblical names - David, Rebecca, Matthew, etc. My husband's open to Biblical names, and has taken a liking to Solomon recently. (Me, not so much.) But the other day he really came up with a doozy.
"What about Urban?"
"Urban, for a baby's name."
"No! That's not even a name!"
"Yeah it is, there were popes named Urban."
"Well no one else will know that, and they'll just think of the inner-city." (shiver)
"You really don't like Urban?"
"No. That's not even on the list."
"I really like Urban!"
"If you can name me one thing Pope Urban did, it will maybe be put on the list."
He couldn't. It's off the list.

(Turns out there were 8 popes with the name Urban.
This is the Blessed Pope Urban II.)
Another papal name he came up with that I didn't shoot down was Pius. After all, if virtue names like Faith and Grace are in the running for girls, I don't see why we can't include names like Pius and Innocent for boys. (Yes, I know pious the virtue is spelled differently.) Shouldn't they get bonus points for being both papal and virtuous?

(Pope Pius V, also a saint)
(There were 12 popes named Pius.)
What's your take on naming after popes, saints, Bible characters, virtues?