I realized the other day that I haven't stepped foot in a Wal-Mart or Target since December. I now do all my shopping at the grocery store, where I can buy shampoo without being tempted by shirts and shoes. Since the grocery store is only 4 minutes away, I'm there at least once a week anyway, so I just pick up dog food and birthday cards and mousse and whatever else I need while I'm there.
At first I worried it might be more expensive, but I've been using coupons and buying that stuff on sale, so I think it probably evens out. If anything, we save money because I'm not splurging on a new purse or dollar bin item that I don't need!
The dog really might drive me crazy. She has somehow regressed and basically had some sort of accident inside every day for like 2+ weeks. It never seems to be at the same time or in the same spot, and we don't think she's sick. Ugh. If someone had told me when we were considering getting a dog the position we'd be in right now, I'm not so sure we would've got her. But she still makes my husband happy.
Perhaps that's why I felt the need to photograph her puke on Wednesday afternoon and email it to him at work. I'll spare you the pictures.
Anyway, we're trying to do crate training with her now. Hopefully that helps. Any advice on that?
Oh, and any advice about kennels? We're going to my parents' for Easter (!!!) and are going to leave her in one for five days.
All my fellow linguistics grad students have been in a tizzy for a while now about how there are no jobs. It's true - it was difficult to find an academic position even before the economy tanked. And yet within one week, I've stumbled across three great opportunities! None of them are professor positions, but they would all work. And two of them are actually commutable from where I live now. Crazy!
One of them is essentially my dream job. Seriously, it's exactly what I wanted, and I got a personal email from the gal to give me a heads up that it's coming. She called me to discuss it, and I have a great shot at it. I would be doing research for a certain government agency! This is what I've been gunning for all along!
And yet... I'm not all that excited about it. What is wrong with me?
I'll tell you what is wrong with me. All I want is to have a baby. And really, there's nothing wrong with that - perhaps there's something right with that. And perhaps this should really be its own post.
Speaking of posts, Catholic Mutt has been doing a series on the Jewish roots of our faith, and it's really interesting!
And finally, Happy Feast of St. Joseph!