What, you didn't hear that it's World Wide Fertility Care Week? What, you don't even know what FertilityCare refers to?

FertilityCare Centers are awesome places to go for anything related to reproductive health. They promote the Creighton model of NFP, along with NaPro technology. NaPro is powerful stuff. It was developed at the Pope Paul VI Institute and is way more effective than IVF in dealing with infertility. It actually works to diagnose the underlying issues, and I hear the doctors are amazing.
The videos are a bit long, but very interesting if you or someone you know is dealing with sub-fertility. And there is a ton of peer-reviewed research supporting Creighton and NaPro, if you're into that, or if you want to share it with your own doctor.
We actually use the sympto-thermal method instead of Creighton (that just happens to be what was taught and what our doctor does), but if we ever have any fertility issues the two Creighton nurses in our area will be our first call. Anybody else use a mucus-only method, or are most of you STM? Any of you have experience with NaPro that you'd like to share?