"I've got a brilliant idea for our living room," my husband announced. He paused for effect. "No TV."
After a moment's thought, I agreed. Could we really go without a TV though? He suggested we put it in the bedroom, as the only time he really watches is sports to unwind before bed. I was adamant that, like the dog, a TV will not set foot in our bedroom.

Really, we don't watch much television. He watches SportsCenter. I watch HGTV and the Food Network. The only things we really watch together are Psych and the Office, along with the random USA show. The news and many shows just leave me feeling depressed anyway. And of course we would save money by not paying for cable.
I lived most of my life without cable - we got two channels out in the country, and I liked it like that. I actually protested when my parents thought about getting it as we grew up - I didn't want my brothers to have the bad influence of MTV and whatever other smutty channels that were out there. We've already decided to not get cable when we have kids (and just have black and white TVs - no flat screen high-def here!). So why not start earlier?
Because I love hearing your opinions, let's take a vote! Should we (a) go without a TV altogether, (b) keep the TV but not get cable, (c) give in and get cable because it comes as a package with internet?
What do you do? Would you like to change your household's TV usage?