Confession: I usually compile my quick takes slowly throughout the week, so come Friday I just polish it off and hit publish. Does anyone else do this?
This week I didn't do that and find myself with nada for today. So disappointing!
Since Jen did a book update, I can at least do a dissertation update, right? What's that, you say? No one is interested in or will ever read my dissertation? Good point. But it is something I'm spending years of my life on, so I'll just mention it anyway.
- I had 5/6 chapters written and thought I was in the home stretch.
- I finally got a hold of my adviser, who is notoriously difficult to reach. She had great suggestions. Great suggestions that are going to take forever to do.
- At the beginning of the month I finally realized I would not in fact be finishing this April/May. I was vainly hoping end of May, but now realistically I'm looking at June/July. This isn't the end of the world or anything (though I don't get paid anymore after May 15), but I'm soo ready to be done with it.
Many people don't realize you get paid to get your PhD. The best advice I heard as an undergrad was that you always have to pay to get your master's degree, but you should never pay to get your doctorate - so if you think you may ever want to get your PhD, might as well go ahead and do it all at once, and get paid for it. Of course, it's not a lot, but it's enough to live on (as a cheap single person), and pretty much guaranteed for five years.
And now I will stop boring you with grad school talk.
I am parched. I have a delicious glass of ice cold water sitting across the room, but the dog's sleeping on my lap and I'm curled up in a blanket, so I've decided that comfort wins over thirst right now. But boy that water looks good.
If this is your first time reading this blog, I do apologize for today's boring content. Come back next week and I promise it will be more interesting!
I went to a beginners quilting class at Joanne's with my friend last week. Isn't my square cute?
It was quite easy (good tools are key!), and we're hoping to do a several week class so we can make a small lap quilt this summer. I actually made a quilt (well, I pieced it) several years back, but it was completely uneven and not professional in the least. It was cute, though, and I had a lot of fun cutting up all my old clothes to create it! I'd show you a picture, but it's on my bed at my parents' house and I can't find a picture of it. That was two computers ago, and now that I think about it probably before I even had a digital camera. I'm getting old.
The other night we went out for Mexican because I was craving queso and chips. Turns out, the place we went to had a fancy guacamole bar, but no queso! What?! Who doesn't have cheese to go with your chips? Are you even allowed to call yourself a Mexican place if you don't have bowls of melted cheese available on demand? I was so disappointed that I had to drown my sorrows in a gigantic chimichanga. I also expect a moment of weakness in my next grocery run that results in a jar of queso and two bags of chips (because the sale price is always contingent upon buying two bags instead of one).
Have a great weekend everyone!