My husband the scientist has been out of town all week for work. What that meant:
- I had to take the dog on all her walks. I used to complain about the one walk I took her on at noon. No longer.
- I ate unhealthy junk. Thank goodness there's a child in my womb, at least that guilted me into having a few fruits and vegetables!
- I got less work done during the day, told myself that I'll do it that night, and what did get done isn't that great.
- I pouted.
I had big plans to sew some curtains this week, but that didn't happen. Hopefully I'll get that done over the next week. I was so excited to bring the fabric home last weekend. I was chattering on and on about the pattern and the color and how it matched our chairs, and finally my husband kissed me on the forehead and said "This is why you need girlfriends around here. Or your mother. Because I just can't get excited about fabric."
I was going to share with you a recipe for pineapple fried rice that I found. Then I made it, and it was only so-so. Not bad, really, but it needed extra soy sauce. Does anybody have a good fried rice recipe? It's such a great meal to use up leftovers!
Oh, and while I'm putting out a recipe call, I'm also looking for a good homemade pancake recipe. We ran out of our Aunt Jemima mix the other day, so I made some from scratch. But whenever I make them from scratch, I always notice this weird baking soda taste. Has anyone else noticed this? Is there some sort of recipe that uses self-rising flour maybe? I'm looking for something that tastes as good as the box mix, which my husband loves.
I do realize that I missed posting anything about the 50th anniversary of the pill. It was officially on Mother's Day, and the gag-inducing irony was just too much for me.
Speaking of mothers, my own mom is (almost) more excited than I am about me being pregnant! This is their first grandchild and I'm the only daughter - a great situation for me! Case in point: two weeks ago I got a call from my mom:
"So I was at this department store, and I didn't even know they sold maternity clothes, but I happened upon the aisle, and it was just fate that they had all their fall and winter maternity clothes on clearance, so I had to pick some up for you!"
Yesterday I got a box with half a dozen shirts, a dress, a workout outfit, and a pair of maternity jeans, complete with receipts in case I didn't like any of them. But I liked all of them! My mom is the best!
This video cracked me up! Maybe someday, after our cars have died and we have a couple kids (but before we need a full-size van), we can be cool like this...
(H/T Creative Minority Report)
Here's one more video, for my feminists out there:
(H/T Faith and Family)
Have a great weekend everyone!