You guessed it - we're having a baby!!

We are of course beyond thrilled to be pregnant, and I just have to share all the delightful details with you all!
When are you due?
I'm 9 weeks along now, and due December 13th. My husband's birthday is December 4th, so he's hoping baby comes early. We'll see about that!
It's funny, I always swore I would never have a December baby - that makes buying birthday and Christmas gifts way too hard! And yet I quickly realized that when you want a baby, trying to plan around things like holidays is just silly!
Any morning sickness?
No nausea here, hallelujah! I do use the baby as an excuse to take naps almost every day, though! My husband is wary that I'm just being lazy, but I informed him that the appropriate word is "fatigue" and the books say it's normal.
I haven't had strange cravings either - I mostly just want cheese and carbs. We have had to make a few evening trips to the ice cream shop, but that was actually because the hubby was craving it. Also, apparently there's an old wives tale that if you crave savory foods you're going to have a boy and if you crave sweet foods you're having a girl. I haven't really wanted sweets...
Will you find out if it's a boy or a girl?
My husband is already certain that we're having a boy. (For a list of acceptable career paths for our son, see here.) He only has brothers and male uncles and male cousins, so I think the odds are somewhat in his favor. The savory cravings just add fuel to his fire!
We had said ahead of time we wouldn't find out the sex, but we probably will. My husband the scientist is confident that he'll be able to tell from looking at the ultrasound even if they don't tell us!
Have you had any ultrasounds yet?
Yup, we had our first one at 7.5 weeks and saw the baby's heartbeat. I would share the picture, but to be honest it just looks like a blob, so there's not much to see. But it's a healthy blob with a fast heartbeat!
So will you have finished your degree?
Yes, I'm hoping to finish in the next two months. Then I'm just going to enjoy being pregnant! And when the baby comes, I'll be a stay-at-home mom. Much more to come on that topic in the next seven months!
Was this planned?
I was actually really surprised to get this question several times. Um, do you know me? How long have I been talking about wanting babies?
But to answer the question, yes, this was planned. Yay for NFP helping us to achieve pregnancy!
Of course, even if the baby wasn't planned, we'd still be excited about it. And that's why I'm planning to never answer this question again. I know it's a pretty common response (I may have even asked it myself in days past), but if you think about it, it's fairly rude. Would it matter if we planned it or not? No - we're going to love it either way, and I'd rather people not think of my child as an accident. Of course, I'm sure people will assume that it wasn't planned if I don't answer, but whatever - I'm thinking that question really doesn't dignify a response.
Plus, I'm really hoping that any future children aren't planned (gasp!). As in, don't even worry about NFP and just see what God has in mind for our family. We'd like a big family and don't think it's terrible to have children close together. But we'll see!
Okay, I think that covers the basics! Probably too much sharing for the internet, but I am just so excited that I couldn't contain it any longer! Thanks in advance for your well wishes and prayers!