The Green Room

7 Quick Takes (33)

My husband complained last week that my takes were too long. "They're supposed to be quick takes," he stressed. So this week, I'm attempting short and sweet!

In case you missed it, yesterday was my one year blogiversary! I'm doing a book giveaway and I'll be randomly drawing the winner on Tuesday morning. Do enter!

My mother is coming to visit next week! I'm so excited!! We're going to go to maternity stores and baby stores and do nothing but talk about expanding bellies and car seats and motherhood for five days straight! I'd say it's just what the doctor ordered.

I'd also say that it will be more than enough baby talk and girly giddiness for my husband.

My husband was reading through a revised draft of my dissertation, and stopped and looked at me.

"Why can't you write like this in your blog?" he asked.


He read a sentence aloud: "Acknowledging these issues goes a long way towards mitigating them. Why can't you use words like mitigating in your blog? Let's raise the bar."

I just laughed. I'm not about to start trying to write professionally on here, not least of all because I'm not good at that style. But I might have to accept the challenge of using the word mitigate more often. That is a good word.

I caught my husband's cold last week. Darn my pregnant body having a weakened immune system! I never get sick, so I'm pretty wimpy when I do. We pretty much sat on the sofa for all of Memorial Day weekend, and I finally started recovering Wednesday.

My pathetic need for babying while sick was further confirmation that my husband is going to be a great dad. Even though he was still getting over the same cold, he took such good care of me. He got up with me in the middle of the night and sat with me while I sucked on popsicles to sooth my throat (there are very few cough drops, let alone cold medicines, that don't contain some warning for pregnant women!)... and he did this for three nights in a row. Just another reason I love that man.

We watched Mona Lisa Smile this weekend, and I remembered how much I like that movie. My favorite part is when Joan (Julia Stiles) is on the porch with Katherine (Julia Roberts) and talks about how staying at home to be a traditional mother is something that she chooses. That was the first time I realized that staying at home could be an option for an intelligent woman. (It starts about 40 seconds in and lasts about a minute.)

For more quick takes, visit Jen at Have a great weekend everyone!