The Green Room

7 Quick Takes (34)

We had a wonderful visit with my mother last week! It was so much fun to spend hours and hours with her pouring through baby and children's stores, not to mention spending many more hours talking about that stuff!

Also, have you ever been to an actual maternity store? We visited my first (well, technically it was the second that day, but when you walk into a place that sells maternity tops for $175, you run back out and I don't think it counts) and it was so much fun! I do have to plug Motherhood Maternity, because the gals working there were super nice. Also, in the dressing room they have a pillow that you can strap on to make you look 3 months bigger! My mom got a real big kick out of it when I somehow put it on wrong. I thought she was going to pee her pants laughing.

Oh! And the baby decided to start showing while she was here! Okay, well, at least my gut started looking less like I'd just taken my fourth trip to the all-you-can-eat buffet and more like there might be a little something in there. I swear it happened just because my mom was visiting.

Of course, to anyone besides the three of us (me, my mom, my husband), me saying that I'm showing is probably relative to this cartoon I saw in a BabyCenter email:

Our garden is flourishing! Seriously, our lettuce and spinach did a little too well. We've had salad every night with dinner for a couple weeks now. (If you'll recall, I'm not the biggest salad fan.) Now that's winding down and our zucchini are getting big. And zucchini is definitely something I can be excited about!

Romaine and green leaf lettuce

And yet despite all our fresh veggies, I still managed to go to three different grocery stores this week. Three?! There are only two of us! I don't mind making a second trip each week for another gallon of milk, but there's really no need to make three trips to the grocery store in one week. I was thinking this when I got home from the third one this morning... and I realized I was a bag short. And I had to go back to the grocery store. Four trips in one week - ridiculous!

One thing I'm not allowed to get at the grocery store - Doritos. I love them, but my husband hates them, and so I have only eaten them maybe half a dozen times since we started dating. (He refuses to kiss me if I do!) I was thinking I could use pregnancy as a good excuse to "crave" them. Then I received the following email this week:

Subject: This is why you HAVE TO stop eating Doritos!


Your husband and your fetus

Okay, okay. If both my husband and the child in my womb think they're a bad idea, I guess I can do without.

I am loving reading your thoughts on New Feminism. I think I'm going to aim to do a post on this topic about once a week. Otherwise I'm afraid I will go overboard and we'll all get a bit sick of the topic!

Last night my husband and I watched an episode of the Dick Van Dyke show on YouTube. Why don't they still make funny wholesome shows like that? The title was "That's My Boy?!" and Dick Van Dyke thinks his baby was swapped at the hospital. So cute! Here's the first of three parts to it:

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Have a great weekend everyone!