I am pretty obsessed with all things baby right now. But there is one thing unrelated to diapers and carseats and breastfeeding (although still quite related to our daughter) that I contemplate almost as much: homeschooling.
My husband and I are both very intrigued by the thought of homeschooling our family. I've spent hours browsing the internet and reading about styles of homeschooling and its pros and cons and how other people are doing it. The whole thing fascinates me. And I think we could do it. And do it well, to be honest.
So will we? I have no idea. Which is just fine, since we have several years until this will really be an issue. Several valuable years in which we will learn how to be parents and in which we can discern how our children should be educated. Several years in which I can discern whether this desire is nothing more than the whim of a young woman who isn't sure how life as a SAHM will be and wants more meaning and spends too much time reading blogs, or whether this desire is an abiding call to intimately educate our children so that living and learning are synonymous. Several years to pray about our decision, and then continue praying about it every year after that.

Public, private (parochial), or at home? It's anyone's guess at this point! I would love to start making plans, but if there's anything we've learned in the past couple of years, it's that our plans really aren't the important ones.
The craziest part of this whole homeschooling thing is that I don't think we're crazy. Young and idealistic and naive, yes. But not crazy.
Have you ever considered homeschooling? Or some other crazy adventure that for some reason didn't seem crazy to you?