This is my 50th Quick Takes! I wish I was cool enough to have thought of a fun theme or something to celebrate it. Alas, I did not, so here are six more random thoughts.
Apparently every week at Sports Illustrated's website you can make your predictions for the NFL games, and tens of thousands of people do this. Guess who's tied for THIRD PLACE out of all these sports fantatics? That's right - my husband the scientist. Because he's awesome.
What's even more awesome is that we don't even watch that much football.
It took me a while to figure out what will be on my ballot next week. Finally I came across smartvoter.org and it was just what I was looking for - a non-partisan website that just lists the races. Now after weeks of attempting to ignore the mud-slinging, I just have to decide between all the candidates. Are you ready to vote on Tuesday?
What can you tell me about redemptive suffering? I think I understand the basic gist of it, but I'd really like to understand it more. I hear that childbirth is a great time to offer up prayer intentions, but I'm not really sure how that works. Any good books or websites that can explain this to me?
This afternoon I'm going to put together our Halloween costumes. I am really excited about them, but I'm not going to tell you what they are until I have photos to go with them. In the meantime, I'll give you some hints and anyone who can guess what we're going as will win 10 TMC points! Here are your hints:
1. It plays on the fact that I'm pregnant.
2. My costume will be made from a big box.
I totally just made up "TMC points." But I kind of like the thought of it. Would it be totally corny to offer points sometimes and once in a while figure out some prize for whoever has the most points?
Speaking of being corny... We love being that ridiculous couple that wears matching costumes. A few years ago my husband (then boyfriend) was Uncle Sam and I was Rosie the Riveter.

Unfortunately this blurry picture is the only one I could find.
We even dress up when we have no parties to go to. (Which is almost always. Maybe someday we'll just throw our own.) I hope the two whole children that show up at our door appreciate it.
Are you dressing up for Halloween?
Have a great weekend and don't eat too much candy!