I've come to the realization that I am just not a bath person. Anyone else with me on this? Every couple years I think to myself "Oh, a nice relaxing bath sounds good" and I try it. Then I get in the tub and wonder what the big deal about baths is. Yeah, bubbles are fun. But the tub is never big enough to completely immerse yourself, so there's always some part of your body that's cold while the rest is warm. And I get bored. Am I missing something here?
I FINALLY went through and organized my whole email account. This has been weighing on me for months now, and it feels soo good to have it completely done! Seriously, it is such a weight off my shoulders to know that there are no forgotten emails awaiting a reply or to see over 2000 emails sitting in my inbox (thank you, gmail archive feature). I'm also unsubscribing from retail email lists and whatnot as they come, and that's a relief as well.
So if you received a reply from me on something you had written weeks ago, that's why. And if you maybe made a blog comment that asked a question and I wanted to reply to it, I probably tried to email you, realized you didn't provide an email address anywhere on your blog or profile, assumed you wouldn't go back to check the comments on the old post, and so did not reply. All that to say, please include an email somewhere on your blog so I can get back to you! You can make a separate email from your personal one so easily!
Comment from my husband to my belly: "It's really not that great out here. BUT we have a dog!"
I have resigned myself to the fact that this baby is going to be late (she's officially due Monday). My husband is appalled by this. He thinks that I am in denial that the baby will ever come and that if I just think positively, she will come - probably today or tomorrow. I on the other hand am pretty sure that I am just being practical and (for once) patient - I need to save my energy and enthusiasm for the labor itself, whenever that is! I can't be wasting all my adrenaline before it's the real thing!
However, my husband the scientist is much more observant than I, so it wouldn't surprise me too much if he was right on the baby coming soon. Last night he was touching my stomach and we discovered that my uterus was actually contracting, and fairly regularly, though it didn't really feel like anything. They say you have Braxton Hicks contractions all the time throughout your pregnancy but just don't necessarily notice them. Apparently that's the case with me right now. Which is fine with me - I told my uterus to do all the work it can now before the "real" labor begins!
How important is it to get an official car seat check? Is it enough that the car seat is in really tight and not wobbly? I'm having a heck of a time finding a checkpoint near us (the closest official ones are all a good half hour away). Every place I call tells me to try a different place - from the car shop to the fire department to the police station to the hospital. I'm getting tired of calling places and am not sure this is going to get done before the baby arrives, so please assuage my guilt and tell me it's no big deal. Unless of course it is.
What should I know about a Catholic baptism? And perhaps more pressingly, what should I know about the party afterwards? My biggest question is, do we have to serve a full meal? The baptism is at 1:00 so we were planning to just have a cake and punch reception. Is that considered acceptable, or does etiquette dictate that we need to serve lunch?
For more quick takes, visit Jen at conversiondiary.com.
Have a great weekend everyone! Hopefully the next time you hear from us, there's a baby here or on her way!