I just can't make up my mind about whether or not to use our full real names on here. I'm leaning more and more towards thinking it's no big deal at all, since it's not like we're badmouthing anyone or revealing any deep dark secrets. It's not like it's hard to discover our names anyway, and that would be better branding for any eventual writing I'd like to do, etc. But this one little part of me has an irrational fear that the instant I reveal our daughter's name to the world, some wacko out there will start stalking us. Ridiculous, right?

On his part, my husband still likes the idea of using pseudonyms from the Cosby Show. But I would hate to start calling our daughter Sondra if her personality turns out to be more of a Denise or Vanessa or Rudy. And what if we had multiple boys - what do we call them after we use Theo?
Clearly I've spent too much time thinking about this and I need a sensible second opinion.
Why did you choose to use your real name or a pseudonym? Do you wish you had somehow done it differently?