I am happy to report that breastfeeding is so much better! It pretty much started improving as soon as I posted about how awful it was. Though it did take a couple weeks for me not to still cringe every time, it is now definitely tolerable and at times even slightly enjoyable. Phew! I was really worried for a while there!
However there was a slight setback this week. I felt cold all day... and tired... and sure enough I looked in the mirror and saw a red spot on my breast. My husband confirmed my fears - mastitis. Again. Seriously? I hoped that was one and done. Luckily it was at least a more mild case this time and I knew to immediately call the doctor and get some medicine.
We had our first diaper blowout last weekend! It involved a yelling husband and a glob of poop that seeped through my pants onto my leg. That is our idea of an exciting Saturday night, let me tell you!
How did the poop get on my leg? Because Miriam was sitting on my lap in just a diaper at the time. Why was she sitting on my lap? Because I was reading a book that really focuses on understanding your baby's cues, and the last time I was reading that book I completely missed her cues until she finally started crying. The irony of being distracted by a book that's all about paying attention to your baby was too much for me, so I thought having her right on top of me would facilitate paying closer attention to her. Apparently I have yet to learn the "I'm pooping all over you right now" sign, though.
One final poop-related note: the last time Miriam pooped was Sunday. In case you need to be reminded, today is Friday. I sense another exploding diaper in our future.
This is a really important take. So important that it almost got its own post. But if I did a whole post on the subject, I would've felt obliged to include a picture, and I just can't do that.
Here goes...
My chin hair is out of control. It's so embarrassing to see the light glistening on the hairs of my chinny chin chin! I pluck any that are actually dark, but the light ones have gotten so long that they're really noticeable, too. This is clearly a crisis, people.
So what should I do?? Bleaching won't really help, because it's already blond. There's almost too much to pluck. Do people wax their chin hair? I'd rather not start using my husband's beard shaving supplies. Please help!
My husband said the other night that this baby is the cutest thing that's ever happened to him. "Really?" I asked, gesturing towards myself. He looked at me pointedly, and I looked down. I was wearing the same robe and cut-off sweatpants that I'd been wearing basically for the past 6 weeks. My robe was open to reveal a ratty bra and flabby stretch marks. At that point even the dog would've beat me out.
But really, I have to admit that Miriam is the cutest thing to happen to either of us. Look at that smile!
Read more Quick Takes at conversiondiary.com!
And have a great weekend everyone! If you're in the midst of it, enjoy some of this snow!