Well, my six weeks are officially up. (Okay, it's been seven.) And while I am lucky enough to not have to go back to working a 9-5 job, it is high time that I pulled myself (and my home) back together.
That means actually getting dressed. Okay, to be honest I'm shooting for four days a week to start. And workout clothes will definitely count as getting dressed. Pretty much as long as I'm not just wearing my nightgown and/or robe and/or cutoff sweats.
That means showering every day. Okay, I didn't used to always do this, but I've found that having a little person on top of you for most of the day and night makes you sweat more. When I wake up in the morning and my armpits already stink, we have a problem.
That means getting back into my chore routine. Okay, I often skip them on Wednesday and Thursday. However, I really enjoy getting my Monday (menu planning), Tuesday (bathroom cleaning), and Friday (kitchen cleaning) tasks done. I didn't realize how much I'd come to appreciate those things until they weren't getting done!
Kitchen corner before. Cluttered kitchen = stressed mama.
Kitchen corner after. Clean kitchen = calm mama.
Okay, so maybe this sounds less like work and more like normal and expected maintenance. Either way, it's been neglected for far too long now and it's time to get back in the swing of things!