In case you had any doubts, this post is to reassure you that I am a perfect mother.
I would never leave my baby in the same outfit that she's spit up all over multiple times. Not me!
I would never put my naked baby in front of the window when it's twenty degrees outside, and leave her in nothing but a diaper for the rest of the afternoon. What kind of mother would do such a thing in the middle of winter?
Speaking of not wearing clothes, I would never go around topless for days on end. And that would never result in me not taking pictures of my baby, since she's always on my shirtless chest, nursing or not. The perfect mother takes tons of pictures of her baby, and she never spoils her baby by holding her all the time.
I would never let my baby sleep in bed with us, especially when her cosleeper is only a foot away. Even if I did allow that, I'd be quite diligent then about changing her diaper during the night; if I wasn't and she consequently leaked through her diaper, I would of course change the sheets right away. I wouldn't wait for this to happen multiple nights before finally washing the sheets. Not me! Oh, and that cosleeper I was so excited about certainly wouldn't turn into a catch-all that does nothing but hold water bottles, nursing accessories, and extra baby blankets.
As you can see, I am clearly a perfect mother. I'm sure you are, too. What have you *not* done with your babies?