It was so great having everyone in town last weekend! This was the first time my brothers and SIL came out here, and they really enjoyed meeting their niece. It was so much fun having a full house! I long for the day when we live closer to them and can all be together more often!
A couple people mentioned they liked the dress I wore to the baptism, and I have to share with you that it is now half price! I absolutely love it myself, and have to give props to Hallie for introducing Mikarose to me. And now I have to figure out a way to convince my husband that we should spend some of the money Miriam got for her baptism on another dress or two for me.
Just kidding!
Kind of...
I had two goals this week - to do the thanks yous that have been piling up for the last five weeks (cringe) and to write the birth story. Neither got done.
I did manage to shower during the day a couple times, though, so I'm calling this week a success!
Last week Miriam was nursing like clockwork every 2 hours. We're talking within 5 minutes of the two hour mark; even if she was asleep, she'd wake up and be ready to eat. I'd heard that as soon as you get used to a baby's routine, they'll change it, so I wasn't surprised that come Monday she changed... to nursing every 3+ hours at night and 2-3 during the day! I was so excited! Blocks of time longer than an hour and a half to get things done! And sleep!
And then yesterday and last night we went right back to the 2 hour routine. Oh well - it was nice while it lasted!
Mrs. 2nd Lieutenant posted a link to a quiz about how crunchy you are. Note to my husband: don't worry! We only scored an 88 (out of possible 225), leaving us just "Pretty crispy." And even when I retook it and answered it with what I suspect we'll be doing a couple years from now, that only bumped us up to 111, "Mmm! Love that whole-grain crunch!"
How crunchy are you?
Most of you probably already read this, but for those that didn't: check out this great post about why confession is important. It pretty much sums up what I think about it.
We ended up with not one, not two, not even three or four, but five "Baby's First Christmas" ornaments. What do we do with all of them? We don't really want to keep them all - maybe just two. Is there any way we can return the others? Although if I was a store, I wouldn't want to give money back for an ornament that says 2010. I suppose it's too late to donate them?
Thinking very hard about what to do with all those ornaments.
Visit Jen at conversiondiary.com for more Quick Takes!
Have a great weekend everyone!