I've seen several people do reflections on their past year, and in looking back over ours I've realized it's been a really big one! In a nutshell:
January 2010: Got dog
March 2010: Got pregnant
April 2010: Moved
September 2010: Got PhD
December 2010: Had baby Miriam
Now that I think about it, the year before that was a really big one as well.
January - May 2009: Long-distance marriage (me in Texas, him in Pennsylvania)
February 2009: Defended dissertation prospectus
March 2009: Started NFP
April 2009: Lost my husband's mother
April 2009: Became Catholic
July 2009: My brother-in-law's wedding
August 2009: Moved in with my husband's father
October 2009: My brother's wedding
And actually, this makes three big years in a row, because the one before that...
January 2008: Husband (then boyfriend) finished Master's degree and moved from TX to PA to start job
April 2008: Got engaged
May 2008: I moved home to Missouri to plan wedding
August 2008: Got married and both finally together in PA

We'll see what 2011 brings!