My husband the scientist offered to write these quick takes this week. He had a theme in mind and everything: big news that for some reason isn't being covered in the media. I was quite excited myself. And then last night, he was too tired to actually write the quick takes. And so I give you the only one he got around to writing from earlier this week:
Several Anglican parishes in England are converting from the Church of England to Roman Catholicism. It seems like pretty significant news to me that several Anglican bishops and parishes are converting to Catholicism, yet the only headlines I can find on the even are through Fox News.
(By the way, the headline's use of the word "defection" seems to me to imply that the parishioners who are converting are betraying their religion. Just thought it was a weird word choice.)
This week temptation was delivered straight to my doorway. I got a letter from my credit card offering an automatic $25 off when I spend $75 at New York & Co. Agh, the temptation is almost too much to bear! Yes, I do need new clothes to go along with these new 5 lbs! Credit card, how did you know?
Please cross your fingers that the thought of going to the mall and trying on clothes with an infant will knock some sense into me. Although I'm already rationalizing nursing in the dressing room...
Want to read a funny and not theological post about what would happen if there were married priests? Read Simcha Fisher's post Time for Married Priests?. Sometimes she's a bit snarky for me, but she always has a good point!
And while I'm sharing links... Remember when I said that we should ditch mommy wars because they aren't crucial spiritually? Here's a much better written post that comes to a similar conclusion, only she makes better points than me. Although I don't necessarily agree with this blogger on all spiritual matters, I think she is on target with this.
The breastfeeding saga continues. This week's difficulty: a bleb! (Also known as a milk blister, but that's not nearly as fun to say as bleb.) Luckily by now I have learned that there's one answer to every breastfeeding problem: nurse more! Bleb begone!
My husband has said for a couple years now that he wants to get off facebook. After finally watching The Social Network, he mentioned it again. And looking ahead (hopefully waaay ahead), we don't want Miriam thinking she needs a facebook account when she's young. So we were contemplating a family facebook account. Is that possible? That way we'd all have access, but not too much. Has anyone heard of a way to do something like this? Would we have to create a whole new account, or could I somehow just modify mine?
I've had an urge to sew lately. I don't know why, when I barely have a handle on taking care of the baby and cooking supper each day. Nonetheless, I think this is an itch I should scratch. Now the question is just what to make? I have a cute purse pattern I'd love to make, but all I carry now is a diaper bag. I'm afraid something like a quilt is too big of a project to bite off. Have you seen any cute patterns or crafts lately? I know there are tons of online tutorials for fun things, but I don't know where to start looking for them.
That's all I've got - go to conversiondiary.com for more Quick Takes!
Happy Friday!