February 1, 2011
Featuring me, my husband the scientist, 7 week old Miriam, and Cricket the dog.
5:45 am Halfway wake up to nurse Miriam.
6:30 Try to go back to sleep as she wiggles next to me. My husband gets up, walks the dog, and empties the dishwasher.
7:20 Nurse again. Hubby changes her diaper.
7:45 Get up and eat breakfast of leftover chocolate waffles. Check email. Kiss husband good-bye. Admire my baby and her adorable smiles. Change a poopy diaper. Start a load of diapers in the wash.
8:50 Miriam falls asleep! Lay her in swing and hurry to get some work done. Clean bathroom.* Finish a few other odds and ends.
9:30 Nurse and diaper change.
10:10 Spend more time loving on the baby. Start to get on computer, then realize Miriam is nodding off.
10:35 Miriam is asleep! Quick, to the shower! I carry her, swing and all, into the bathroom with me.
11:10 Miriam claims she's already hungry again, so we sit down to nurse. I munch on an apple. Diaper change.
11:40 Love on the baby. Switch and fold laundry.
12:15 Miriam is asleep again! Where did this wonderful routine come from?! Maybe there's something to the whole eat-wake-sleep idea. Take dog out real quick. Heat up and eat delicious leftover butter chicken. My husband calls to check in.
12:50 Miriam wakes up crying due to gas. Try to hold her off for a few minutes, then shrug and nurse. She gets the hiccups between sides, so change diaper and wait a couple minutes before finishing the feed.
1:35 Miriam is a bit fussy and the solution is clear - ice cream and the Moby wrap. With her pressed against my chest, I head to the computer. Plan tomorrow's blog post and read other people's blogs. Miriam falls asleep and I debate napping as well, but the blogosphere wins out. I will regret this later.
3:15 Nurse and diaper change.
4:00 Fold laundry while singing along with The Judds, Trisha Yearwood, and whatever other old music I think to play on YouTube. Finish reading blogs.
4:40 Miriam's out so I start prepping supper - cajun chicken pasta, a mix of these two recipes. Miriam's still sleeping so I skim the last of the webpages I had up. While I check my email periodically thru the evening, my internet time is basically done for the day.
5:20 Nurse and diaper change.
5:45 Cook supper. My husband the scientist comes home and takes out the dog. We eat.
7:00 Nurse. Hubby changes her diaper.
7:30 "Exercise hour" for my husband and baby. We ooh and ahh at her sounds and smiles.
8:00 Turn on tv to watch NCIS. Snack on ice cream.
8:35 Nurse. The hubby does diaper duty again.
9:00 Start getting ready for bed. Miriam is rather fussy tonight. Change her diaper one last time.
10:10 Nurse.
10:45 Hubby walks the sleeping baby for a few minutes to make sure she's out. We lay down and are all asleep immediately. Miriam wakes up 10 minutes later. And basically repeat this cycle for the next hour and a half. I do something so Miriam falls asleep (walk, nurse, etc.), she's out for ~10 minutes, then she wakes up again. In my sleepy stupor I desperately wonder what happened to my easy baby.
12:15 Finally asleep.
2:45 Nurse and diaper change. Back to sleep, thank goodness.
4:40 Nurse. Back to sleep.
6:50 Nurse and hubby changes her diaper. A new day begins!
What does your day look like? Feel free to link to your own overly detailed description!
*Writing all this down is such good accountability! Usually I would have dashed to the computer and spent this whole period of time online.