Yesterday, after all the hassle of switching over the car seat to the other car, Miriam and I didn't even get out of the parking lot before I knew something was wrong with the car. We went a bit down the street to get to where my husband was and put on the flashers. The brakes were shot. Thank the Lord this happened when it did - just five minutes later and I would've been on the highway with my baby; just a day later and my husband would've been on his way to work; just two weeks later and we would've been driving across the country.
That seems to be how life is going right now. Not that there are any major problems - in fact, everything's going great! But there are no brakes.
It is full speed ahead with the big move! I can tap on the brakes enough to slow down and think about and even pray for a friend, but not stop for long enough to call them. I can tap on the brakes enough to slow down and read other peoples' blogs, but not stop in time to comment. It is phone calls and packing and more phone calls and logistics and then another phone call. On top of why won't this baby sleep more than 30 minutes before waking up and let's just let her cry and this is stupid and doesn't even work and how can I be upset when she's so sweet sleeping in my arms.
Don't get me wrong - I'm not complaining. Things are all going basically as we hoped and I wouldn't change them (well, except for a certain someone's sleep habits, which we're trying desperately to change). We're doing pretty well considering we're going through a heck of a lot of those major life stress events they talk about. And I'm dousing it all in prayer, which obviously helps.
All this to say if I'm not around the blogosphere as often or take far too long to respond to an email, I do apologize. It's going to be one more crazy month before things start to settle down. There will be 6 different roofs over our heads in July. We might have to start chanting "I love the crazy!" But just like with the car's brakes, the timing on all this is actually perfect. His timing always is. And I'm certain we'll come out on the other side not only unscathed, but better than ever.