Question of the week: How can we encourage femininity in our daughter while discouraging materialism and vanity? In particular, how can we do that when one side of the family is trying to teach her to say "Buy me diamonds," the other side of the family has bought her enough clothes to fill up a walk-in closet when she can't even walk, and on the opposite end of the spectrum her mother is a complete slob who hasn't worn makeup in years?
I got to meet Kate Basi and two of her beautiful children yesterday! They were coming through to go to a doctor's office and so they came here for lunch. It was delightful! Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture. It would have been darn cute, so I guess they'll just have to come again so we can take one.
I've still got nothing for Miriam's Halloween costume. My husband fears she won't have one if I don't start soon. Something about the fact that I've been talking about sewing her curtains for the past two months and there's still nothing up.
The Hunt for the Perfect Sofa is on! Actually, it's been on for over a month and nothing has come of it, so it's morphed into The Hunt for a Sofa That is Cheap and We Don't Hate. Here are some of the highlights from the eight furniture stores we've been to so far.
We love the formal look. We don't love the formal price tag.
This doesn't look like it'd be expensive, but the sales lady wouldn't even tell me the price. Just that it was out of my range.
Right price, right style, wrong color.
There's something we both like about this, but how would you find blue chairs or recliners to match?
We really wanted this to be the one, but don't care for the loose pillow back.
Someone else please tell my husband how impractical a white or cream sofa is.
The only one we've seriously considered, but my husband has yet to sit in it.
Looking at these images reminds me, I still haven't signed up for Pinterest yet. I fear for the sake of my to-do list if I do.
Actually, I've been very proud of myself lately. When I get ready to sit down at the computer, I have been asking myself first "What is the most important thing for you to do right now?" Usually the answer is shower (because I can't remember the last time I did that) or take a nap. Sometimes it's even do something from that to-do list!
I haven't showered much lately because we've been going to the pool twice a week, and don't you know that means you're already clean and don't need to bathe? I tried to explain this to my husband, so he could understand why we only need to give Miriam a bath once a week while she's taking these swim lessons. He was not impressed with my argument.
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