1. Should I get a steam mop?
I have no problem sweeping every week, but mopping just seems like soo much work. Since we've been married I've mopped maybe once every 3-4 months. Okay, really more like once every 5-6 months. And that was using a swiffer wet jet - not even hauling around a mop and a bucket.
And before I got married? My track record for mopping was approximately once every never.
But! Now I have a house and a baby crawling all over the floor and I think perhaps it is time to buck up and mop more often. And a few months ago I heard the lovely ladies in my women's group talking about these steam mops and now I'm thinking maybe if I had one I would actually keep our floors a bit more sanitary?

2. What should we be for Halloween?
We are now taking suggestions for family Halloween costumes. This would preferably be some sort of theme so that we would all match. So far our only idea is for my husband to be Peter Pan, me to be Wendy, and Miriam to be Tinkerbell. We contemplated Miriam as Captain Hook, but weren't so sure about putting a hook on a ten month old. We're still looking for other ideas, as I'm also pretty sure when push comes to shove my husband will not be donning green tights.

3. What are your natural body and cleaning product recipes?
I know I just said the other day that I haven't gone off the deep-end with this whole natural thing, because I'm not making my own cleaning products... but... I'm almost out of deodorant... and the doctor said to use natural products for Miriam... and the fancy natural skincare stuff is so expensive...
Apparently I need a baby-safe glass cleaner.
94% biodegradable. Which makes me wonder what the other 6% is? Isn't shampoo mostly water anyway?
So I'm toying with the idea of making my own deodorant. I fully expect it to be a complete failure because I am a sweating machine and normal deodorant can barely contain me. But I figure fall is the best time to try this little experiment, since I'm not quite as sweaty as the dog days of summer or the frigid days of winter where you're wearing ten layers and the heat is cranked all the way up. Have you tried this before? Do you have any tips or recipe suggestions?
And do you even call these things recipes?
4. Do you compost?
I'm pretty sure we're going to start composting, but I'm not really sure the best way to go about it. Is it easier to compost with worms or in a pile outside? Would I have to buy one of those plastic bins or just put something together with old pallets from the farm? Would you be grossed out if you came into my kitchen and saw a worm-filled compost bin? How do you get enough brown materials when all our waste seems to be green? If you include paper, do you have to shred it first? Clearly I have some more researching to do on this.

And yes, these are the most pressing questions on my mind lately. (Besides the ever present "How can we get more sleep?!", which deserves to be a post of its own.) Your answers are quite appreciated.